Every child that is born in Alberta must be registered with a first and last name. When you are registering a child’s last name it must either be the mother’s maiden name or mother’s currently used last name, the father/co-parent’s last name, mother’s maiden name or currently used last name hyphenated or combined with the father/co-parent’s last name, a name chosen with the parent’s cultural or ethnic heritage, a combined name is the joining of two last names with or without a space of hyphen. Only one hyphen and only two last names may be used. Your are not allowed to use a slash or a comma between the two last names. If both parents cannot agree on the last name of their child and both sign the Registration of Birth, the last name of the child will be registered as the last names of each parent in alphabetical order and hyphenated. If the father/co-parent’s information is provided on the Registration of Birth form and the form is not signed by the father/co-parent then the information provided will be removed and will not be registered/recorded with Vital Statistics. A child must have at least one given name and one last name, all names must consist of letters from the Roman alphabet, A single letter can be a given name. A space and/or a period following the letter(s) is optional, brackets or quotations cannot be used around any names. Use a space to separate names. Do not use commas, slashes, or hyphens to separate names. Only use a hyphen when it is part of the given name. Do not use numbers in a name. Roman numerals or numbers spelled out can be used as part of a name. Some titles are permitted in a given name or last name. Titles that could be misleading, embarrassing, or improper are not permitted in a given name or last name.

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